sl4ng avi as moviemaker

Good afternoon Crossfire! :)

I want to make my first Fragmovie (don't leave yet). All I need is some demos from you!
Since I made no projects before you may be uninterested, but I am motivated to spend nearly my whole freetime on a project for you.
I will do my best and even more to make the movie worth watching it.
So if you want to give a Newbie the chance to make himself a name in moviemaking scene, please feel free to contact me.

I can't offer that much, but what I can offer is:

- Basic knowledge in ET Moviemaking (getting bigger everyday by watching tuts)
- A lot of free time spending on it
- Music-mixing knowledge to give you the perfect soundtrack
- Highly motivated to finish the project

In addition...

When I finished the movie, I will show it to you first, before I put it online somewhere.
I just upload it if you give me your confirmation.

So here is what I need from you:

- Good demos (not vs low+ or stuff like that, I want to make a movie worth to watch it)
- Patience (It will take me a lot of time, so please be patient)
- Trust (If I have your support, I can work better)

That's it, that's all.

So if you want to give me a chance, please pm me here on Crossfire!

Thanks for your attention.


zock gscheider mit ins :ooo
uns heißt das
image: 1260654051503

love u johan ;DDD
Good luck! Hope to see your movies in future. I have some good demos but they're from low+/med- mixes mostly. Only like 5 good frags against bit known teams.
Nice post, good luck!
I hope you'll find someone really good to provide the demos. Go and ask sqzz, I want to see his movie.
+over 9000

would idd be epic coz he could include nice frags+some cool movement shit
Yeah, some sick movement actions from the older demos mostly. In addition some great aiming and frags from the newer ones, now that he is aiming better than ever before.

Damn, now I sound like a fanboy :l
I think u should maybe add some test clip to show your quality to the other ppl :)
gl ratsch :) schod das i kuane mehr hon
Harmony fanboi gl!
gib mr no a bissl zeit u du kriagsch demos fe mir wou i olle putz u in sqzz nor ibrhoul ba sd :P

loss di mol unschaugn harmony, kimsch amol ts de tag
jojo, mogschmor lei ip schickn
better to put some test clips imo
I got frags vs med and med+ players, good enuf? :p
Make your own movie goddamnit
fucking demos wont load, freakin annoying :p Ever since u gave me those commands for my image-et, theyre fucked up :<
Ever tried to delete them and see if the demo loads ?
Hmm, no xD

Ill do it 2morrow! Goin 2 bed nao!
early bird
Ever tried Fraps?
easy to make movies with it :P
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