#sfe-et need 3rd

Yo cf!


need 3rd for 3v3
we are gonna be playing actively in 3v3 clanbase ladder

About Us:

- We got Warserver and Ts3
- Not shy on comms
- Mature
- Med Skilled
- Play everyday from 19.00 to 22:00 ~
- c00l guyZ!

About You:

- Med Skilled
- Able to play almost everyday from 19.00 to 21/22 ~ Preferably 1 official 1 irc war every night.
- Not Shy on comms is a must
- Not go on happy hour as often as me

#volvo.se @ quakenet ofc or pref if u got xfire:pain944
or if you're noob and aint got neither just PM me at cf

Oh and almost forgot!
image: hot-chick7

#2 Edit:SwedenZirQuz
BulgariaDrovage the Almighty

oh and omg United Kingdom Street is in as backup like? OMGOMGOMG