Confessions Part 2 (GOOD SONG BY USHER)


I know most of you dont like me because of the hacking i did last year.
I just like to say i'm sorry for that, I really am, It looks like my et fragging days are over anyway, I will do what i done before fragging, I will start trickjumping again, it's been fun fragging, i may do it from time to time but trickjumping is what my heart is set on (in comes the violins) , I'm sorry for everything you guys hate me about, I am a nice guy i just want everyone to get on with me (tieing the rope to the balcony) , because you can. I made a mistake last year, and i'll do anything to turn back time, i really would. but whats done is done, I'm probably gonna get flamed for appoligising (start standing on the edge) to everyone on et, Well anyway I just wanted to say sorry, and hope everyone would accept my appoligy.!

Thank you.

Without ET i might aswell die

Shoutout to Sandra Clark

(copyright Wolfe)

(Jumps off)

image: headless2
ur wish came true ^^ fkin nerd lol do you just sit on this site all day waiting to reply to pointless posts made by nerds like this 1 or summit... try gettin sum sun.
ur from holland? that expalains everything...
Member For: 1 month and 10 days
he is so funny!
BtW this is the real picture of agrippa/m00f/wolfe

image: retard
laughing with retarted ppl isn't funny you little arrogant prick
idd, ban iDiom
i am dissabled too :(
say hi to sadam for me :)
yea he is probably kurbad's brother or smth..
If only Loekino was admin!!!!
Quote by iDiom Without ET i might aswell die

Quote by iDiomI made a mistake last year, and i'll do anything to turn back time, i really would

get a life u Agrippa-loverboy
i believe u.
lets make love now
please ban this twat, im dissabled, and sf clan flame me about it.. wtf is this post, please ban idiom
Quote by Lolkino
btw my house is in holland, do you fucking thinks we got sun here?

Owned XD
ja killerboy had er een link naartoe xD
kweenie check zn laatste journals
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