moPPel avi

Yo guys, i am looking currently for a new team for the upcoming OC

About me:

- medish
- brained ( 8D )
- medic (more teamplayoriented than dmgwhore, could play any other class, too)
- loyal
- reliable
- motivated & want to improve
- somehow mature, but can be quite childish, too

About you & your team:

- medish or better (because i want to improve)
- active
- brained
- good coms & a 2nd engr who tells me, when he wants to push
- playing active in ladder/ playing OC
- no egos/cheaters/retards/flamer
- I would appreciate it, if your team is not a new project or a 2-week-project

plz pm me for offers/more questions

image: Day_old_chick_white_background

image: brathaehnchen
gl moppel!
gl moPPel
digge sache
come play LoL! :D
gl spasti :p

Quote- good coms & a 2nd engr who tells me, when he wants to push


but srsly, when we had 2:40 seconds left to get the tank at goldrush and you both were right behind me in that 3on3, there was only 1 guy left and the opponent was about to spawn in 3 seconds.. why the hell did you flame hard at me when I pushed into main without saying anything :D? Did you really expect me to say something? XD In-game you're able to see what's going on almost a half second earlier than you hear in teamspeak :-D
fu, i rage always hard >.< and you should know me, because i don't play too serious in 3on3, i only rage serious in 3on3!
but you were also raging after I explained you why I didn't say that I'll push ;D
fuuuuuuuuuuuuu :/
dachte eigentlich, dass du in ordnung bist.

aber wenn du mit so abschaum spielst ...
so, was hat er dir getan? :o
gl nippel
gl möPPel
gl wischmoppel
gl moppzor. hope you find a team in contrary to me. /et
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