JaMmAl avi

Hi CF users, i searching 5on5 or 3on3 team

15 years old
low+/med- skill
speaking eng, cze, ger language
playing as medic, fop but pref rifle :X
slac user
from czech
avi to play 5on5, 3on3 but pref 5on5

skill med-/med
no whiner, cheater
teamplay, brained
have server, teamspeak
playing in cb/esl and have training

Contact me here on crossfire or #czet /q JaMmAl or JaMmAl`off
No offence, but why should a med/- team want a lower skilled player when they could also get some med/+ players?
I'd suggest to lower the requirements for the teams and you'll have more success.

But proof me wrong, gl dude!
Maybe he want to improve his skills and can accept a BU post man.

BTW: Why do you in irc search med-/med if you have in LU low+ player? Why is your team playing with lower skilled player?
Sure he wants to improve his skills. But the other team does not really profit from that. And also BU players with better skills are also avi.

Well because we can deal med/- as team. Our team exists since a longer time and we do not care too much about skill anymore from the known guys as we got a good atmosphere. And I guess we can still rate our individual skills better than you can.

When we're looking for a new player we search for at least the same skill tough as we know there are nice guys on that level avi (always >10 requests to join).

Dunno why you flame me, this post was supposed to help him.
Quote by RenX LLC 8 division ECC
and we do not care too much about skill ...

Quote by RenX
why should a med/- team want a lower skilled player

Maybe then do not care about med/+ players if this guy can play decent vs their oppo or can revive/plant maybe?

Quote by Skill
we can still rate our individual skills better than you can.

On what basis you say this?

I do not flame you, i just say a true.
Haha , aiRen cant handle even 8th div. RenX way cooler than you're. Gtfo , go play some music with ur nerd conservatory friends???
The funny thing is that I do not even really know him, but he seems to be very informed about me ;)
<- Played ECC 4th div

But you played every ecc in 1st div with your 18797456th projects
Well actually we finished as 2nd in the 7th division and won a map on the playoffs against 2nd division. We also won IRC wars against med-teams.
And well you should always quote the full sentence as you get the answer already there. Skill does not matter too much if we know the guy already since a long time and he's nice.

I do not rate the skill according to the aiming as this is just a part of a decent play by the way.

Well I did not even play a single war with you and well I just know you played once with beebee. So well how do you think you know the team with which I'm already playing with since a half year better than me? And as I said I know which wars we already won in that time.

This was my last answer to you as you do not even read what I say carefully. You'd make a good politician.
Quote by RenX
Well I did not even play a single war with you and well I just know you played once with beebee. So well how do you think you know the team with which I'm already playing with since a half year better than me? And as I said I know which wars we already won in that time.

Quote by Wars
We also won IRC wars against med-teams.

Cause I played in a mixs vs your LLC
Woho 1 mix! Success!
1 mix? That you say :D
wtf are you trying to prove anyway?

"I played in mixs vs your LLC"
"You have a low+ player in your LU"

fucking stalker.. GTFO
Cause i have a friend in LLC nerd!
gl!!!!!! jammal malik the boy who became a millionaire from the slums of mumbai xDDDD
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