#game-up.et recruiting

advertisements directed to the Polish players.

Poszukuje 5 graczy, a najlepiej teamu ktory juz wczesniej ze soba grywal. W zamian za reprezentowanie barw gAme-up mam do zaoferowania serwer oraz TS3

Zainteresowani propozycja niech pisza na numer GG: 8528039 lub na #game-up.et /q grAm

Looking for 5 players, and the best team who had earlier he played with each other. In exchange for representing the game-up
have to offer server and TS3

Those interested can write an application the number GG: 8528039 or #game-up.et /q grAm
only english allowed in forums
hahaahah good luck ;D
Nowych szukasz bo vexiol i olo maja szlaban na pc za oceny ? Xd
ban for language rule!
ban for language rule!
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