Street Players need 1

~Street Players~

Street Players need 1 player Med/engi

player must be:
~ avi 3 times a week(monday,tuesday,wednesday)
~ speak- Poland!
~ skill Around med
~ No ban in ESL/CB [/u]
~ brain user :)
~ Katy Perry Fan

We Offer
- ts3 serwer
- war Server
- Stable lineup
- Nice atmosphere
and good fun

LineUp :

PolandcwAniak - Best Rivive Medic Ever :D
Polandn3xt - Nice Obj Player !
PolandBanan - Surprising ego Rifle ;p
PolandSosu - Great FildOps and nice Aimer
PolandYou! - Surprise us !

pmme crossfire

image: 500x333_katy-perry-2
image: KatyPerry
banaaan gl
didnt know all the Poland poles live at street
gl Netherlands banaan
gl Turkeybanaan
cmon , Katy Perry sold her soul to the devil ;/
inb4 streetfighters
avi!! :D
gl Netherlandsbanaan
GL next
GL cwAniak
gl rivive medic and fildops
GL&HF guys!
Quote~ No ban in ESL/CB

Problem, officer?
you NC refree got problems with understanding ;p they are looking for player without BAN and on the other hand he is not banned any more ;p
Where did they write "without BAN"? The only thing I can see is: no ban in esl/cb, which means, that they don't want player who is/was banned in those leagues.
i just dont understand why did you put Poland n3xt ? he was banned and prolly they accept it but looking for player without actual ban in CB/ESL
Quoteplayer must be: ...
~ No ban in ESL/CB

here you are that they are looking for guy without ban, maybe they speak this fucken fluent engRish but i guess they had this in their minds

anyway, GL !
Because I don't like this guy :DD + He was banned :D

edit: about NC, i was referee at one match, then I've lost all my motivation ;d

I don't like him eihter. He has bigger ego than skill :D
GL Riviving medic and fildOps :))

If you want to make a new topic before that I recommend you to use dictionary :D
gl noobs xdd
"mozna, no mozna..."
Zoownilismy z Buggsem, Bielanem,Sosem i Cwaniakiem team Skup Butelek(Suchy,Dizel,Woozie,L4z,Kirel) 4:2 Dziekuje dobranoc!
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