Idem recruiting

image: 3075530medium

Poland Idem is searching for decend 3rd Polish player. We are looking for:

- brain people who can stand CB OC 3o3 2nd league and ESL/CB ladder
- medic prefer
- only people who knows us

Current lineup:
- Poland manlux
- Poland wrednydzik

We play usually 3 max 4 times a week from sunday to thursday (friday and saturday are freee!)

Contact: or PM me here on CF
gl dziku :)
idem = I don't eat meat ?
or, if theyr a group of fags I D E M

I DO EAT MEAT omnomnomnom
a co z figlarzem
mama kazała mu się uczyć ;/
dziku back in business =)
dziku gL:D mate if u need some back-up u know where to find me:)
stexx - od kiedy dostal od was po pizdzie piszczy ze jestescie najlepszym zespolem do ktorego moglby przystapic, twierdzi takze ze jestescie bardzo niedoceniani, a jego postac w waszym zespole odegralaby nieoceniona role, i wynioslaby was na wyzyny highskilla w grze enemyteritiriti
dziku gl :DD
gl lowy :D
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