#Sona.et needs Rifla for few weeks.

image: SonaContrast

#Sona.et needs a stable 5th Rifla for the next few weeks, as Jkr has 3 jobs and is not avi for pracc atm.. :((

line up

Poland jKr/ Europe U?
Austria v1ech
United Kingdom f1X
Germany flR
United Kingdom unblind
back ups

Poland Gly
Poland Funky

prac monday/weds/sunday from 9cet .. could change to fit u....
have Ts3 and game server
we are cool
been playing together since 2009
Maybe lan...
we are CB OC 2nd div

u MUST be known to at least one of us, we dont want no random polak shit, also u must be avi to play in CB OC, have brain and comms..

Pm me. or idle in our IRC channel.... #sona.et

thanks x
Just want to say... we miss Jkr already :( xx
unblind has no brain. He puts things on babies head's :S
what if it's a hat? ;o
Ask Kari?
If skill doesn't matter, I can do it.
i mad now, i'm not even backup
ofc u are, but u went to delinQ :<
but siika power is still with u!
tämä on totta, mutta ei vieläkään ole herran siika .. voisitko ehkä viikon kivääri meille?
:D:D:D translator trolled u hard :PPP
what it means :D?
this is true, but it still isn't lords siika .. could you maybe for a week a rifle us XD
grammer fail :D but rest fits to what ive entered :D
:P else wud be cool if the times fit but cant paly oc offis with u :<
wow i see an over-sized sona.et banner
gl fans :*
du hast grad noch gefehlt ;/
gl nice team
Quote by sona
we are cool

I have to agree with that point !
;D gl !
gl guys <3 too bad that jkr cant play for few weeks
i would play with u but i have already a clan :D
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