fps issue

hello guys

so i changed graphic card from geforce 9600 gt with 1gb to radeon hd 5770 1gb and im having less fps than i had with my previous graphic card how is that possible, config problem or rather catalyst controlor center settings please help cause i had stable 125 and now i'm around 90-80 which is honestly anoyying

have a nice day
It's all about the CPU, not the GPU.
why is it worse then
I think it's about OpenGL and CCC.
got any clue how to set it properly?
No idea, ask Netherlandspds
zapewne sterowniki catalyst. wgraj najnowsze, a jesli nie bedzie dzialac to sprobuj ze starszymi wersjami. Jesli nie pomaga to karta slabsza jest :)
stery sa najnowsze, a karta jest zdecydowanie mocniejsza biorac pod uwage chujowe chlodzenie pasywne w gf, w gta 4, wowie, stalkerze praktycznie gram na full detalach oprocz et wiec cos w tym musi byc
ET i radeony sie nie lubia poprostu. No i nowe sterowniki sa robione pod najnowsze gry i coraz zadziej sa kompatybilne ze starszymi grami.
no to mnie nie pocieszyles :<
QuoteET i radeony sie nie lubia poprostu.
hahaha ; XD to sie znasz
hahah dzieki za fajny reply. haha
same graphic card same shit fps jumps from 125- 70 ^^
hd5770 very very good graph
install drivers w/o ccc
Turn off vertical refresh
use my config
Do what Etnies said and download an older version of CCC between 10.5 and 10.8,you have better options to reduce the AA mode,on newer versions you can only pick from multi-sample and super sample modes.
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