mic help

My mic still isn't working since I formatted & reïnstalled all programs..
I installed some software from my video recorder?
Could it be possible that those programs changed some settings??

Thx in advance..
buy new 1?
turn your sound volume up....
Quote by morphiI installed some software from my video recorder?


edit: cheater ban
ask perfo
Looki if you have turn off your mic :D
Or if you have take a TIC in microphone muted in your computer settings
well it could be your sound card, or soemthing, my mic wasnt working and i got a friend (which is a whiz) who done all this stuff on here and it worked, either that or get a new mic, maybe its broken?
ya culd eat it :o
if you have linux use alsamixer, use left right key to change sellection, m to turn on mic boost once you selected it.
have you got microphone PB ban?
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