Bugs in ET

Let's list all the (harmful) bugs we know. Some dude is making a competition mod, he could find this journal helpful when thinking about what to change.

-Turning binds work, even though the turnspeed is forced to 0. It's possible to change the value and have the turn take place before it gets forced back to 0 again, resulting in a spreadless turn.

-You can have more than one engineer with riflenades by changing teams

-You may spawn with a nade in your hand instead of weaponbank 3 or with sniper scope graphics even if you are not a sniper (it only causes a zoom and no damage or spread difference, though) if you spectated a teammate before respawning

-You can spawn with an empty stamina bar - you can still sprint but the movement is laggy if you do. Not sure when this happens.

-You can stand up while your model is proning, allowing you to shoot enemies so that they can't see you, if you're playing with a certain weapon

-Nondefault cg_gun_frame values crash ET on vid_restart or map change

-If you get revived, a lot of weird stuff can happen: getting an extra grenade from nowhere, having normal FOV with scope enabled, having the rifle grenade be removed (sometimes so that firing bullets doesn't immediately work either - it shows 0/x for rifle grenades so you can't shoot anything before you do something about it) , having the rifle stop working completely (rare)

-Going through walls is almost a feature by now

-Pausing exploits a few things - the Supply crane keeps moving... and a couple of other things I don't want people to know before leagues have a rule against them

-Not really a bug, but random spawntimes causes a major element of blind luck. Certain intervals between the Axis and Allied spawntimes can make it significantly easier to defend. If there is a way to manipulate the times, this becomes an exploitable bug. The times should be fixed, preferably so that the Axis can't push to each of their short spawns while the Allies have a long spawn to worry about

-The Supply forward bunker still needs some repairing, grenades go right through certain parts

-Teamdoors can be blocked from the side it opens towards. They should either open with unstoppable force (lol), or only open towards the attacking side.

-This started happening with SLAC: you can't forcetapout if you get killed by an explosive. This was implemented to fix some other, completely meaningless bug and now it's a lot worse.
didnt know most of this things
sniper scope :P
hate the last thing
8 Years and now this Discusion WoW
cool story bro
is that supposed to taste good? I hope not
i would kill for that
i would more appreciate fixing the annoying bugs on the maps like e.g. the invisible edge on radar maingate floor... im always getting angry when this blocks me :P

Regarding the topic:

- reset the stats when a match gets aborted by ragequit

- fix the riflebug, which Ati_ once showed in a tutorial, which lets you put on the rnade quicker when spawning.

- prolly play around with the hitboxes (i noticed that the hitboxes are smaller in Jaymod which is worth it trying on a comp mod)

- fix the timetaking in stopwatchmode!
there have been a lot of games already, which were so close that the endscreen showed e.g. Axis win, but the console says Allies did beat the clock

gonna edit when more things come to my mind :>
That invisible wall bit is annoying on radar :D
Another thing with that rnade part, you put the rnade on in warmup and leave it on > when match starts you can't use rnade first time :(
Weird to explain it but I'm sure a lot of people had same annoyance :pp

Oh, and the other with with rnades when you have to switch to weaponbank 2 or whatever first just to be able to use rnade!
indeed that invisible edge is fucking annoying ;D
Why are they all considered 'harmful'? Surely some are an annoyance though, especially for e.g. the sniper scope after speccing someone. The FG42 bug can become annoying for the enemy, though it's still possible to hit the guy sniping even when he's 'proning'.

Can't think of anything else to add to the above atm, don't know why the stamina bar is sometimes bugged, though a vid_restart would refill your charge if it was really that important (or when match = paused etc) :))
All of them have potential to screw up the game for some player or another
When I read harmful I was thinking more of the WS and cmd wwwdl exploits more than anything else (which have been patched up of course, mostly) but I guess you're right.
what is this new competition mod called? Is it going to be opensource?
You know nitmod? I really like it that you can see some stats like the amount of headshots etc. in the hud, I'd LOVE to see that in a new mod :D
u can do like b_endround cg_gun_frame 0 or something like that so it doesnt crash!
-This started happening with SLAC: you can't forcetapout if you get killed by an explosive. This was implemented to fix some other, completely meaningless bug and now it's a lot worse.

this happend before slac. It was in the fall config apparently ? I could be wrong but the winter configs had the fix ?
- spawning on supply depot in forward bunker with spawnpoint 1 in warming up, and spawning back with it when match starts.

- sniper zoom with mp40/thompson when specced a sniper.
- spawning on supply depot in forward bunker with spawnpoint 1 in warming up, and spawning back with it when match starts.

ur own fault, its not a bug
dat is een bug vogelkop...
gast, als je als engi wilt spawnen en cp wilt maken. dan kun je dus volgens jou NIET terug spawnen?? aha kk dom ben jij serieus
ik zal het even voor je uitleggen omdat je natuurlijk het iq van een vork hebt. Als je in de warming up spawnpoint 1 kiest, dan spawn je in de forward bunker. Maar als de match begint spawn je ineens back. Ik wil helemaal niet back spawnen, maar het gebeurt wel.
JA GAST DAT IS TOCH LOGISCH!?!? :D:D:D????????????????

je kiest toch zelf dat je back wilt spawnen!?!?

rofl decent troll 7/10
haha, tuurlijk is dat niet logisch als je een spawnpoint kiest, en je spawnt in warming up heel de tijd rechts, dan spawn je toch als de match begint niet opeens heel de tijd links. Dan klopt er toch iets niet, of snap je dat serieus niet?
Als je ingame spawn1 pakt spawn je back? waarom kies je die spawn dan? is toch gewoon stom van jezelf ?
ja, ik weet dat wel maar als je voor het eerst spawnselector ofzo hebt dan weet je het niet. dus is het gewoon een bug.
there comes his buttbuddy! :D

nice you have this usher name, he's gay too, like you and his music!
spawning rifle with no rifle in it shit bugs

respawning no sprint
reload bug
Spawning out of supply map,has happened several,like one time I spawned in oasis,but played supply.
Easy on the drugs, dude
Quote-You can spawn with an empty stamina bar - you can still sprint but the movement is laggy if you do. Not sure when this happens.

press the sprint button the whole time while your dead !
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