Allutje avi

nick: Allutje aka WonderBoy

Skill: around Med
Finnish, English, Dutch

been inactive for years..
See profile for clan history

contact: CF pm

remember allu hexx? :p
yeah well that was 5 years ago..
haha :) was only talking of that clip i made back for you then...

man, that really was a long time ago!
Yeah :P i remember that clip too.. it was the lotto rg shot right? :)

u still playin ET?
yea it is :)

hmm well, sometimes. not much time because of work (got shifts :I)
best teacher I ever had; Gl !
same retard who cheated in nc match?
seems so :D
hey man!!!
sup? long time no talk!
yo dood. just saw your post by accident :D
been playing myself a little bit in january/february as well, unfortunately just too few guys left from the "old days". heck, it's already been 5 years since that o6 failure. now, for most of the time, i'm into my studies, spare time is sparse :D
how are you? what do you do?
Im enjoying my summer vacation for the next 4 months :P going to India and nepal for 2 months in july.. rly looking forward to that.. My uni starts again in septemper so gotta be back for it.
Dude we should play sometime.. was thinking to try this game out again.. been years since ive played.. Noticed that many from the old days have quit which is a shame ofc.. but maybe we can lure some of em back in :)
nice, a friend of mine is currently in india for climbing. seems to like it, never been there, but certainly a cool thing :D
i'm on irc most of the time (#velerion), just drop me a message if you want to play. i'm going to be horrible on my notebook because i'm not used to not playing on num-pad, but - considering long inactivity - i would suck on a normal config as well i guess. dunno about the luring part, most guys simply grew too old and are lacking time.
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