Loekino avi

Hello i wanna play ET in a clan.
I can be an Engineer and medic of course!
Also i shoot good panzers sometimes but only on the obvious moments^_^

Not interested in new projects.
And your average age must be 18+(gtfo jailbaits)

Love and kisses, Loekino.

edit: I forgot to mention i can go covie too, sniper or sten.
edit2: I think its better to say i am a flexible player that you dont need to ask to switch classes.
repost -> ban
Gl again!!!
gl en groetjes in veenendaal
leuk dat je groetjes naar me deed man :)
al die GL's zijn leuk, maar veel heb je er neit aan he :<
goodluck veenendaaler! 0318 -.0
I shall cast a spell upon you that will make the greatest guilds of this land bow for you (even though they already do it without my spell :{D)
GL Loekino :)
gl friend
gl gl!
gl veenendaal owner :>
would recruit you but i see you dont play as parashoot riflist... :/
gl with dickinass

This is repost.
gl m8,loe ftw
gl Loekinom8
more luck this time :)
Jaaa it worked!
nice nice ! gl with ur new team
I hope you don't find a team
GL again.

ik wou ooit eens een team met je maken! :p

Ps: khou van uw profiel ;)
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