yossarian avi for brink

Serious offers only please.
im not sure if u trolling or not with brink?

image: sq6zc3
Fumble will be looking to take him :)
Crossfire 3.3 - A Brink Community
GOSH are you suicidal? Don't talk about Brink dear! Tosspot might kill you instantly!
Big brother is watching you :)
edified multigamers maybe need someone1
rofl nerd please
bad troll
#g5 Going to be hitting it on release date. You're welcome to play with us :)
The GameFrog community (french community) has been invited to the pre-launching of the game wednesday night on the Microsoft Campus in Paris. We will do a quick review on Crossfire to let you guys know what it is when you play it.
Unfortunately we won't be able to test the PC release and I actually never saw any review or video with Brink played on PC. Hope it's not gonna be as shitty as Wolfenstein 2.

Bani you're warmly invited to make a Brink Pro made and we are all counting on you :p
also avi for Cod14?
If they didn't release possible "successors" to ET then you might actually run out of things to be sarcastic about.
shit name for the game
Go splashdamage forums,there I applied for PC BRINK team.
image: e11_9
Gotta love those cookies<3
Do they still exist. Otherwise I'm going to get some right now, because I seriously loved those!
Jup, they still exist! =D
van de LidL!
I only play with people that preordered it at least 2 months ago

no newcomers please.
fuck yeah
yea for £26 how could I not :p
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