brink pro mod

I created this topic to add every things you dislike in the actual game version.
If you're a mod maker it will be easy for you to get what's wrong for us.

I begin :
skip all the intro when you launch the game (g_skipIntro "1" isn't in the game)
no crosshair choices
no specview at first person
muzzleflash while playing with ui_showgun 0
no crosshair while using ironsight with ui_showgun 0
no bunny (you only sprint in one direction)
no spint and shoot in the same time (it's an xp bonus)
sprint cancel a reload (i'ts an xp bonus)
no real trickjump (it's abit strange with smart system)
made competitive profile without xp
stats system
demo recorder (it will comes in a following patch)
some objectives are too long to take alone (like 1-2 minutes)

I'll add more later, add your comments ! :)
so you want et 2.0 and not brink? Wait'n'see x0 lets hope hannes does something once SD decides to release the SDK (which is not confirmed yet btw!)
Haha no I don't want any ET2 ! !
But some things have to be changed, it's 50/50 for the moment. I like some weapons it can be nervous.
I just see him asking for some stuff which is default in some games already? etqw even had several crosshairs afaik? speccing teammates ineye is aswell nice to have in a game, will increase experience faster! Rest seems to be unfinished/bugged
I hope the pro mod blocks noobs like you.
I reckon we all play the game for 2 days for example then start thinking about all the changes we REALLY do want to try and sort :)
serious things from looking at videos:

- allow a choice between per-mission and per-objective timings
- sprint and shoot would be nice
- make flashbangs not affect spectators
- limbo menu ? (not sure if its in the game or not)
- first person spectator view
- colours in the name of players to help identify teams
- remove turrets?
- remove xp and upgrades
- allow for standardised team colours instead of all these different clothes that players can choose BUT keep the body sizes as I think this adds to the game
- a way to remove the gun from the screen (cg_drawgun 0)
- remove cut scenes in MP games
ui_showgun 0
Also separating the SMART and sprint buttons. I do not fucking want to slide when I press crouch while sprinting.

SMART seems useless at the moment or atleast not used much
but have seen alot of people sliding for no reasong
I dont want sprint and shoot, to shit like et. In my opinion I like it how it is with strafing.
i'd like to see walk, run, sprint with shooting and fast sprint

so 4 movement speeds
And I would like an elephant on a gold chain ;)
no crosshair choices

there is only one unique crosshair! :(
*change the engine oops
/quit brink play ET!
/remove ironsight
it doesn't change alot, apparently you've the same precision while using ironsight or crouch.
i think it does affect the "spread"?!?
yea but it will not change the world face if you usualy crouch.
sprint+reload : there's an ability for that !
think so too for the sprint + shoot...
Why include bunny hopping? I don't want this to be a clone of another game.

SMART needs to be tweaked, it's just to slow atm.
according to the devs doing the movements manually saves you half a second..

FML can't wait till friday !
ok but you can't jump and sprint so.
can you irl ? :p
don't you watch olympic games ? ^^
lol i saw same "revolution" going on when wolfenstein was released, i think same will happen here. hf!
As I was at the pre-launching meeting of Brink at the Microsoft Campus in Paris yesterday night, I can tell you that the SDK is gonna be released next week. Many changes can be done on it. That's actually a good news :)
vaut la peine ce jeux de full noob d'ET espérant faire carrière sur Brink ?
mouais, j'ai pas les sensations d'ET. Tant qu'on me fera pas d'ET 2 je changerai pas. Et à voir le calendrier des matchs de ce soir :, ET a encore de beaux jours devant lui :)
ouai mais plus personne n'y joue pour le plaisir et progressé, trouvé un pracc devient impossible et des coupes fr on en voit même plus (CFET, TFET, FCup, LFET ???).
Un peu déçu de ma reprise de ET pour le moment :(
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