KG recruiting

image: 1

Hey Crossfire,
We're looking for two or three players to fill our lineup..

We expect from you
  • compete vs medium
  • able to give decent comments
  • speak and understand german
  • we prefer 2nd eng and "support" medic

We offer You
  • stable Lineup
  • serious business
  • nice guys
  • Got Teamspeak and Gameserver
  • We're going to compete in CB, ESL, L4F [...]

Germany tiM
Germany valaR
Germany (tiequh)
Germany TBA
Germany TBA

Germany bluTbad (Onkel Toni)

Unfortunately my BNC is not working so please send me a PM here on Crossfire if you're interested :)

Shoutout to all the nerds on KG Ts =)

e: I write this forum post, because tiM is too busy with work to read and answer the offers..
viel glück leute
gut lack

<< avi
take yvette awesome crush0r
#3 :D

gl max
he just posted a repost of the repost.

image: repost_21ujk

still avi here :x

btw: kann bnc besorgen :D

more posts plx
ach komm wenigstens mal leben auf cf :D
We offer You

stable Lineup
we had a pretty stable lineup until our three other players kinda lost their motivation :<

e: we will try to build a stable lineup again ;p
avi wenn ich rifle kann,low+ max
und dein bnc funzt net,weil er nimmer bezahlt wird
Du hast mir gesagt, dass du die BNC nichmehr zahlst ;)
schreibe er mir eine pm, sofern er einen dieser smashedbncs haben möchte.
Muss ich dann ein #w1Za hinter meinem Nickname tragen?
reposte mich halt du ***!
since when there is a german KGB?
dont try to act funny! KG exists since 2004 and is a MGC
auf gehts...
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