Tursas & asddi avi

image: 517108 and his image: nerd looking for a 5o5 team

About us:

  • Finland & England speaking
  • Skill: low+/med-
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Teamplayer
  • Can play any class, pref rifle
  • Not shy on comms
  • Willing to improve

The nerdy friend:
  • Skill: med-
  • Active
  • Not shy on comms
  • Rambo medic/Fops

You should be:
  • Active
  • Mature
  • Good comms
  • Europe / Finland
  • Willing to improve

Contact me:
Xfire: rpkk
Quakenet: /q tursas / tursasOFF @#envy
or PM me here

The nerdy friend:
PM him http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=29390
med/+ imo! gl!
but they are fins =D!
but they are tursas and avicej so i dont take those _:D
then KILL THEEEEEM!!!!!!!!
gl tursas :)
Geeliä tursas, aktiivinen olet mutta pelaat enemmän mixuu kun tiimin kanssa
gl ! naiz guy
fuck you
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