Vitel avi

Hi CF members!

I'm in need of a serious team playing at least 2/3 times a week.

About me:

Vitel, 19, 2 years on ET now, have played for Xfire, sN, nero
Playing Medic or Eng smg.
Talking french and basic english
Skilled low+/med, friendly, trying to be good teamplayer
Got teamspeak 3, mumble, ventrilo

What I need:

Decent team, active & playing cups
No matter the skill

Flam OFF, thanks.

Contact letiv` or PM BOX !
/q Apoc

image: the-used-poster-c10221714

your previous recruitment post was better btw :D
QuoteFlam OFF, thanks

ok va t'faire enculer
You're not even low+ and you're the biggest tard that earth carries since rqmbo.
Thx bb
dixit xiN :D
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