Oldschool Superstars
Hi, I still need some nice oldschool demos
- demos must contain 4+ smg frags or 3+ spam frags (highly appreciate) from 2003 - 2007
-revives sprees r also welcome
Footage I recorded (so u know its not fake movie)
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Good luck ;)
Mag ik je team joinen?
I remembered a benj from rtcw and i found him after 15 searches on CB <:o)
This benji u picked is from the newb esrael team, bleh...
we're both oldschool now huh
expect a lot of prone
thought you were doing riddla's movie? -.- no need to focus on this so much yet
It also actually amazes me that he has the ability to completely fuck up some amazing frags, congratulations samAel, con fucking gratulations. Why don't you just not do this movie and save the mass complaints about your terrible movie making capabilities?
thats why on my movie (pistol fragz) im gnna spend alot of time and not rush it at all
and was just saying that im taking time on my movie
its like you says, RELOAd, RazZ, sQUALL are retarded nick dude.
no offence but your nick seems more sh1t than them.
2. You are polish
3. You are an imbecile
4. Lappa kotte idikas
5. Why do you even bother with this, what's in it for you?
6. And you can't make fragmovies, cause you are polish.
7. I rest my case