dexter, bro & kevin need 2

So Hungary my mate, me and Germany Kevji need 2 players to play some wars at nights.

» As far as I know Kevji has a server
» We just want to play some wars at nights, but we want you to be atleast med skilled.

» You have to be eng/medic or fops/medic.
» We don't want whiners so stfu.
» Just be avi when we want to play :)

pm me here
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goodluck bros
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cant be kevji is inactive, he dont like the game anymore he wont play at all
youre addicted to a game, that makes u happy?
i just dont want to play on a serious level where i've to play 3 hours per evening
that was just a bad troll :(
Ich dachte oxid pracct 12 stunden :o
What top team plays 3 hours every night ? :X
I guess oxid does
oxid was praccing 4x 3-3 1/2 hours ;x, and im way 2 low for some "top teams" ;P
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United States of AmericaPhazor is your man.
add me in xfire aivar123 or kraby
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dexter, bro, kevin & kevin ?
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