server browser

Having started up playing ET again, I'm growing tired of the in-game browser. What's the hottest browser these days?

EDIT: oh, and a proper cfg would be nice as well. Does those CFG-auto generator thingies still exist?
your internet browser
i use the bowser browser, quite nice tbh

image: 62923709normal-bowser-jpg
this shit is tight.i dont see my server there :P
i use xfire or the all seeing eye (TASE), HLSW is good too.
Thanks guys.. I'm settling with gamescanner for now.
should take hlsw, there's a patch that launches slac when needed and starts regular et when no slac is needed, doesn't exist for gamescanner, made me switch
slac is needed anyway
Sounds good, I'll give it another look. I regged for SLAC and tried to join a random server, but was told my account was too young. "Please wait 21 days" :(
All seeing eye
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