Summoner avi

I wanted to start playing ET again a bit.

About me:
I'm a sort of multiclasser, actually I'm better than suVi.
I have played rifle on pretty much high level however the last couple of years my aim has improved a lot so I could just as well play a different class such as eng smg, medic or the more beloved multiclasser spot.

- I have played this game since the early morning so I have quite some experience.
- I am perhaps more known ingame as "bumblebee".
- I am really unhit according to British people

Lastly and most importantly I am a really funny guy to hang out with, been cracking people up for years now :P

ex tams: bhStyle, reVeal, Wandering Star, autobots Cortana Team Denmark & TARGET.
gl adi :)
gl adimate :]
really funny guy hosting dem lanz
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