joshua needs moviemaker
searching for a moviemaker!
I'm searching a moviemaker who has
- made a movie before this
- motivation for it ofc
- watchable quality:D
- an ability to sync:D
What you can expect from me
- decent/good frags
- some flag caps and document runs
- teamkill panzerfaust with shoutcast:D
- cut the demos
#overload /q joshua
I'm searching a moviemaker who has
- made a movie before this
- motivation for it ofc
- watchable quality:D
- an ability to sync:D
What you can expect from me
- decent/good frags
- some flag caps and document runs
- teamkill panzerfaust with shoutcast:D
- cut the demos
#overload /q joshua
and u speak about LAN
do one with destiny :)
"your movie sux"
"but i got paid for that!!! u mad?"
fraps movies > movieconfig, snyc and shit
Voor zijn eerste movie viel het toen nog wel mee, maar hij's nu wel een stuk beter geworden denk'k. Succes ermee.