squirtles need 1 for SAGE
we need nice medic for upcoming SAGE Lan
more info pm me here, irc Dolar`8D or _lesti`8D @ #squirtles
could some admin make it sticky, please?
EDIT: please, don't post AVI and don't whine afterwards about teams not picking less known players, just take courage and contact us
we need nice medic for upcoming SAGE Lan
more info pm me here, irc Dolar`8D or _lesti`8D @ #squirtles
could some admin make it sticky, please?
EDIT: please, don't post AVI and don't whine afterwards about teams not picking less known players, just take courage and contact us
well all in all i don't care but i think there are more guys u would say the same^^
who the fuck is Dolar
if you think you are known enough and my words offended you: I'm sorry
I am not following todays scene too but significance of the fame is different than years ago. Years ago famous person was player who had incredible aim etc, and now fame is only connected with contacts and relationships.
I am not going to tell you who I am, but I know more or less (my memory is not perfect) who u are. I am little upset about diph who can tell me and rest of users who is famous n who is not.
I am playing this game many years so I can assess fame and skill of users.
Imo fame is connected with time of playing this game. Amuse me people who r talking that they are famous, but they are playing 1 or 2 years. Whats more, fame is reserved only for a few of people, and not everybody who was playing in national team or best clans is famous. Since years of playing et I remembered many of nicknames of skilled players but only 10-20 players are famous to me.
Conclusion is one: Dolar, you are looking famous players who are famous to you and you know them, but you cant say (like diph) who must be famous to me or anybody else. It is invidual think, so u cant say that u are fomous too. Of coure many of players know your nick, but not all of them say that u are famous.