powel avi

Hello, I'm searching for 5on5 team.

about me
- 26
- rifle, fop, smg eng
- playing since release
- low-med
- teamplayer, no damageramboskiller
- motivated
- good comms
- stable
- speaking german and english
- can play from sunday till thursday, but wanna play 2 or 3 times max.

- skill doesnt matter
- german or english
- stable
- mature
- active
- funny

contact me @ #noT|ET
sup with noT?

anyway gl
summerbreak, but still exists
we will never die
viel erfolg ;)
gl checko!

take him! he's very reliable + a nice and friendly guy! =)
gl mate ;)
gl powel!
gl, nice guy! :)
lolol gl <3
gl powel.
gl paul <3

rly nice guy + can ingame lead .. just take him :>
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