#vitality.et recruits

#vitality.et is looking for two new players, one rifle and one medic/field ops. The skill we expect of you should be around med; teamplay as well as aim. Our team plays together for more then one year, but to of us were forced to reduce their enemey territory playing time keenly for studying or taking care of ones girlfriend(s).

the current line up:
Germany eXZ
Germany mezz
Germany stath
Germany sHiZo
Germany -you-
Germany -you-

and for backup:
Germany dXc
Germany mtR

As we are all german it would be expediently if you are able to speak german too. (so i have no idea why i wirte that text in english...what ever), you also should have time to play nearly everday, espacially Monday, Thursday, Sunday. But these dates are not compulsive and can also be changed so it should not failure because of that.

If you are interested and over 16 years pls query exZ in #vitality.et @ quaknet
hi eXZ
good luck sHiZonator!
die Badner und der bayern futzi :D

GL mädels
LoL dXc, gl
hey mjo wo kann ichn dich im irc erreichen? =D
all those yerman crap ;{
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