toker avi for summer & PHX (RIFLE)

Hey am back after long, long inactivity.

Am looking for a team to

1.) Play in the UK PHX LAN!
2.) A decent team to play with for the summer.

History in profile.
msg me here on crossfire.
gL ! welcome back :)
sage isn't a UK lan pal :o)
sorry - as you can see I have just gotten back into the community and have no idea about which lan is called what.

I meant the latest one in wales that merlinator announced..?? is that right?
its called phx lan
yeah that's PHX (Phoenix) LAN :P SAGE is @ Netherlands :]

gl !
gl dude
GL dude!!
Gl man! wasn't soooooooo long though :P
Yo guys, haven't spoken to you in ages! :)
niggah please
Good luck tok3r brah
OMFG TOKER <3333333333333333

xx Flexican
hahaha toker :D

good luck finding ;)
gl tok3r lad
hey mate! wb ;)
I do remember your name from somewhere! You played with Ethr didnt you?
Fuck off cunt
lol you mad! have a break with progayming man!
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