quakecon 2011

Nice news today
Brink is gonna open the quakecon 2011 ...
So perhaps someone has seen something good in the background of the game

from http://twitter.com/#!/quakecon

QuakeCon QuakeCon
Tourney lineup @QuakeCon 2011 to include QUAKE LIVE Duel & TDM Invitational Masters; Brink Open Championships! #quakecon #quakelive #brink
1 Lug

They have 1 DLC and 1 month to make the game competitive.
Could be the last possibility to revive this game :)
You can't revive a game that lost just under 17,000 players within a single month.
dignitas for brink quakecon?
cu there
they choose to base a qcon game on a game with such bad numbers?


dead game is dead =(
the game is paid to be there
it's the same shit every few years from quakecon, they always host some tournaments of new/known id games whilst always having quake tournaments there.

2k2/2k3 -> rtcw
2k4 -> ?? doom 3?
2k5/2k6 -> et

and then there was like 1 or 2 Quakecon tournaments with ETQW, they always do this shit with the new games.
game with potential
it's dead in competition here, and also in the USA.
who gives a shit, go cooller

buttmad because of 40 euros
invitational ql tdm tournament


e: would be surprised if even 4 or so tdm eu teams will be supported with that much money :d maybe a bad idea to be invite only. also did any orgs drop teams/players since eswc and iem dropped ql? =O
this will defo revive brink,

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