Phazor avi

After a long inactivity break and having gone to SAGE I received my motivation and ambition back to play ET actively again.

I claim that I can play versus med quite stable, if I get back in shape I could maybe play versus med+, too.

Im playing rifle and fieldops primarily, I could make an exception if really needed.

Ex teams can be found in my profile, im avi nearly each day except friday and saturday of course.

Im reliable, active, ambitioned and serious but also up for some jokes (people Ive met on SAGE can affirm this.)

Any more question? Interested?
Leave me a message on crossfire then.

And NO I wont share mystics config or Azatejs config (which I actually dont have tbh.)
gl Bene ;)<3
good luck!
long inactivity break (2-3 months) :'D
You cannot really call me having been active the last 3 or 4 months with roYality and, they were just short projects which have been abandonned quite rapidly.
Righhhht, and you also don't really play on a weekly basis. :) Who ya foolin'?
Youre not my friend, so I dont care about you and I dont wanna talk to you. Bye.
Just pointing out that you're trying to excuse your (possible) suckage. Bye
ruhig blut lahq :)
Ich bin vollkommen down to earth, find sowas nur einfach lächerlich, soll er halt zugeben dass er "nur" med ist, was ist da so schlimmes dran? :p LAN war gut, ja? :)
mega genial :)
ich liebe dich :)
gL Bene :)
I searched you on SAGE but I didnt find you :(((
same goes for me, I failed to find you, b3ck and raffou :'(
gl mate <3

u can play for us, til u got something :D
gl bene :) , was nice to meet u on lan <3
Thanks, same goes for u :* Hope I wasnt that annoying like in TeamSpeak once :P!
Gl my éclair au chocolat :p
gl my beloved cigaret lighter :)
yes gl
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