DtSje avi for PHX

Hi guys, I've always wanted to attend a LAN after RTCW/ET at various stages since they were released. For this reason I have decided to look for a team for the upcoming PHX LAN, it seems criminal not to attend since the trip from London is so easy!

I am playing actively again as well, probably at med skill, so if you are an active team that makes it all the better!

If anyone is looking for players who will be definitely attending, just leave me a pm here or on #crossfire.

Failing that if anyone is generally looking for a medic then feel free to pm me as I would like to get a few more games in.

Cheers for reading!
Chelsea boy <3
good luck mate:)
=) cool

Maybe i'll pop down .
gl dude :D
Give me a lift if you go! :D
Buy me a car and pass my driving test for me and we've got a deal!
DtS! gl my old m8 from signum :>
gl mate! sup with normality?
Good luck.Good guy realy take him :)

Mac1k if u remember me from yesterday :)
DtSje best guy i ever met - take him
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