hastaf avi for 5on5

Got some offers but not good enough so still looking for a nice 5on5 team to play with.


  • Brained smg engineer/medic when needed
  • Decent aimer & Stable player
  • Mature +18
  • Speaking understandable english
  • From Finland
  • Avi 3 days a week, now a bit more because of vacation ;)
  • Can't play on Friday & Saturday
  • WON'T whine/flame/ragequit/troll


  • Brained
  • Skilled
  • Stable Lineup
  • Mature +18
  • Speaking understandable english
  • From Europe
  • Active
  • NO ragequitters/flamers/egos or somehow retarded persons
  • Playing ladders/leagues/cups/practices
  • Teamplay (a reviver medic and needle in my arse)

Contact: #envy hastaf- or drop me a message here in crossfire.

image: 827110306
image: Puking_like_boss

wery many gl
gl skiller, one of the best engineer smg's out there right now. :)
at least med+
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