hAse & Vexx homeless :<

Hi guys,

well after the recent close of the delite6 squad due to internal problems, we have

found ourselfs homeless and in need of some <3. We are both good and experianced

players and we would really like a clan to particiapte in the OC / EC, so take a look at

our infos, and see if you like what you see!

Here are some infos about us:

Germany hAse

Age: 20

Country: Germany Germany

Skill: High

Activity: activ every day 19 - 23 cet / sometimes @ weekend

Classes: prefer fops, medic, enge

History: chrome, crime, angelDust, delite6

Scotland Vexx

Age: 20

Country: Scotland Scotland

Skill: High

Activity: activ every day 19 - 23 cet / sometimes @ weekend too

Classes: prefer medic , fops, enge

History: illusion, Goliath,vslags, delite6 (also played for et.uk NC team )

If you need more infos or u are interested u can contact us in #StaZi and #delite6
gl aD*hAse (question: what is your opinion about doNka?)
he is a nice guy ofc .. why ?
gl sexxeh vexxeh <3
thanks m8ty :D
Hello hAse the cheater.

I once played a war against him and his friend Blitzz and another guy and we were close to winning the war but then hAse suddenly disconnected and came back after a minute... ofcourse we know what was going to happen... he had turned his aimbot on and it was pretty annoying... before that he couldn't shoot a headshot if you were standing in front of him but when he came back he(his aimbot) was like shooting everybody 3 headshots.

I don't care if you believe me or not... I know for a 100 % that hAse is a cheater.
his clean. i know him for like 1 year or sth and he never cheated
n1 protecting cheaters
and how do u know that hase hack? tell me one good reason
dont think he hacks, hes too bad imo :)
gl vexxx :)
gl my sexy friends <p/
hase can shoot 3 hs with 1 bullet, nP
i never had a history with you:P
gl hase :)
hAse, nice high comming out of nowhere ;e
Gl hase <3 and sexxxxxxxxx!
gl häschen
GL sexxeh
Vexx you know I love you but damn man, your NOT highskill :D
i allways thought vexx is viax O___o
high.. hmmm
gl vexx
hey Adacore :=) thx m8 btw
#devils-tail 0.o
gl , even though u changed lineup every day

still nice guy <3
Delite6 low-? :D
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