Widescreen cfg question


I'm using a 22inch (or maybe 23 not sure) and i'm wondering what you guys use for settings.

seta r_mode on -1
seta r_customwidth "1920"
seta r_customheight "1080"

Now my question is what settings do u use as:
& crosshairsize

ty in advance
drawgun 1
crosshairsize 48/50

So, the bigger the resolution, the higher u take cg_fov?
no, 90 with drawgun 0 is just the way to fly, nearly everyone uses it. its especially good with widescreen, just trust me on this one :)

Quotejust trust me on this one
kanker racist
yea well.. atleast suriname has a government.

gg wp bb
And still our country runs better without a governement than yours with one...
or do i need to explain it to you in your bugabuga language.
someone is agitated over here i see.
you dont know anything about suriname, and this "bugabuga" language is not spoken in suriname.. the main language is dutch :)

gg wp bb
lolburn als in dat ik hem verbrand heb, of hij mij? :\
jij hem ofc, die kkbelg heeft 0 verstand blijkbaar

lekker landje heb je als ze 3verschillende talen spreken, en na n lange tijd nog steeds geen regering hebben :D Nu zal t nog wel ff goed gaan, maar kvraag me af hoelang dat nog duurt
oke dan vriend :*

je hebt helemaal gelijk jongen :)
haha, dutch is a bugabuga language man... 20 million ppl speak it... and no1 cares about it... agitated ? please. like a give a shit about this x). Your here talking big shit about Belgium, but our country is still running perfectly.

kknederlander or whatevaaa....
Obviously you do give a shit, elseway you wouldn't constantly reply on him.
constantly ? i replied once..... xD
yeah sorry inb4 constantly replying,
wont happen :p
haha oke, have fun living in your dreamworld x]
cg_fov 98
crosshairsize 30
crosshairsize 38
fov 95
drawgun 1
r_mode 8
r_mode -1
cg_fov 90
drawgun 1
crosshair 0 <- image: FacebookThumbsUp2
24" widescr..120hz.... mode-1.. widh1920 ..height1080.. fov110.xhsize 42(dot)
cg_fov 112
drawgun 1
23'' 1920-1080
cg_fov 105
drawgfun 0
crosshairsize 48
90 fov
cg_drawgun 0
cg_crosshairsize 50
800x600 160hz
fov 90
fov 100
crosshairsize 50
r_mode 6
drawgun 0 only for smg and pistol
fov 105/90
crosshairsize 38
drawgun 0
r_mode 6
fov 105
crosshairsize 40
drawgun 1
r_mode 6
Pref CRT ;;

- -

fov:: 90/112
asshairsize:: 38/48
drawgun:: 1/0
render_mode:: 6
crosshairsize 28
widescreen => higher fov
CRT => lower fov.

just figure out that fits u the most.
So I should not be using 90 fov with my 5/4 flat screen?
do what u want to
Lol you didn't get it. :P
:D i dont really want to think about anything atm, sorry, but im sure u will find your way! have a nice day
thanks guys ;) been trying out and picked 98 fov & crosshairsize 40.
tried it out on public and raised from 29~30 to 33~35 so thanks :)
cg_fov 103
seta r_mode on -1
seta r_customwidth "1680"
seta r_customheight "1050"
what you and your colombian negros have use for years doesn't need cfg, just a .exe ;)
uMad :D
you that spanish guy who plays rifle? who I got told was good HA
well you seemed quite mad after I raped you last time boy ;)
in et 90 is clearly the best cg_fov... its enough to curve well over the enemy, and to headshot well...

drawgun 0 is better because with drawgun 1 players usually have a tendency to aim a bit upper on the head, which is a bit bugged on the et's hitboxes...

crosshairsize depends... i personally use a small crosshairsize "33" its better for long range head seeking and on short range doesnt affect my aiming to worse :)
thx for the advice ;)

I use the same resolution as you with fov 90 and crosshairsize 32.

and yes, drawgun 0.
when you've got an huge screen, by huge i mean (higher than 19 inch) then you should use 120 fov or maybe a switch from 100 to 120
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