tabloid-junkies recruiting

image: 4281_3628186_medium

we [tabloid-junkies] are looking for a few members to complete our lineup
- 5th [medic/multiclasser]
- backup [rifle especially]
- manager, match arranger

What we can offer:

- stable lineup
- Polandmicho: medic
- Polandpepper: engie/fops
- Polandinvent: medic/fops
- Polandug: rifle/multiclasser
- great backup

- teamplay, set to obj, tax&tl
- intense playing, almost every evening in August, a lot of pcws& offis
- skill around oc premier
- matchserver&ts
- set to results&fun

If You are intrested pm @ #tabloid-junkies [michos]

Poland grzesiek kURWA!
Is a "Menager" a Manager just super gay like you guys?

gl! :D:D:D:D
pure english is pure ;-)
Ironic or fasta aka fumble

e: i can be backup rifle.
seriously why do I always see ppl saying Tropic on recruitment posts, leave him alone already -.-
gtfo you started with it

good luck guys
multiclasser :)
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