
played this clan in a war last week. Was expecting too win easily but tbh they fucking raged us, fuck knows how untill i watched a few demo's and then i find this


All 6 members showed obvious hacks like these but this 1 is the best 1 :) Sooo enjoy and let me know what you think
lmfao, what an idiot.... nice catch :)
plz what?

you gonna deny that he and the rest of your clan dont cheat?

and i bet now you want all our demos too?
don't mind him. He's special, he has a handicap
cheater BAN
ROFL, all throughout the game there were cries of HACKZ, but not in a joking way. Naturally when we found this,well just lol!

Sorry about the quality, but I havn't got Premiere installed atm, and I'm sure you'd prefer it to Stiffy's 80mb monster clip! (He doesn't know how to compress a file *pat*)
:) yup tis true im thick as fuck when it comes too computers. When it comes too cheatbusting i can smell a rat from miles away SOOO BE WARNED :p
#tA.et ilde and perform thx all<3 xDDDDDDDDDDD
(00:28:23) (@Juuti|-zZz) Radical-Stiffy stfu lowskiller
(00:28:58) (+Radical-Stiffy) Juuti|-zZz
(00:29:02) (+Radical-Stiffy) how can you say low
(00:29:06) (+Radical-Stiffy) when you cheated against us
(00:29:09) (+Radical-Stiffy) too win
(00:29:12) (+Radical-Stiffy) ?
(00:29:17) (@Juuti|-zZz) tA.et win imo
(00:29:23) (@Juuti|-zZz) ifa no hax
(00:29:26) (+Radical-Stiffy) lol

I love this guy
lol we are low+/med-

Just u who are like low-?
Moof it was to this comment

"thats what i thought but they played like med+ that night i couldnt believe my eyes.

Thats how i knew they hacked was pretty obvious really "

Not to you.

oh lol i see now :> np then
thats what i thought but they played like med+ that night i couldnt believe my eyes.

Thats how i knew they hacked was pretty obvious really
just keep refreshing :)
Give me another site and I'll upload a better quality version on it tommorow, for now, goodnight.
or i could upload my 82mb version :p
ahh wanted to know the megaupload site, thanks :)
really interesting piece of information there.
didnt you just make a "sorry all, im a cheater and will quit" thread?
it's not cause you spam you'll be more know and skilled in crossfire, just die and you'll be rly Apreciated :)
oh plz, thats a childish attitude

Funny. They still claim to be cheat free? The guy is such a noob he even cheats badly. Playing with someone this blatant on your team you would know.
:D @Ifa ://// GG!!!
busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! näin
ku tuun rekrylle ni kb kaikille ta:laisille
hyvä! tiukka linja vaan, cheattereita EI suvaita
Sinähän tiedät mistä puhut, TAAVI
I lol @ this
Pelasko ifa stenillä?
Hi retardJuuti! Did you find your arms already?

suom. Hei kehitysvammaJuuti! Ootko jo löytäny kätes?
Ifa you old rat =)

I guess he was aiming that medic on the right, but he missed him by 6 feet because of his bad aim.

I play with him almost every day, never noticed any haxing.
Oops, was a mistake, the flick headshot was just lotto...
Dunno about that, I have to torture the truth out of Ifa today. He plays in my clan too, so...

Still, I´m not judging him because of one clip, even if it looks weird.
you need to learn to flick..
that's hack.

with proper quality and no slowmotion it would be better, ppl really need to learn to make simple .avi's :l
idd, but that made me happy that there are cheaters which are trying to get themselves to EC
Hmm, we are playing these guys tonight lol =/
hmm they didnt seem that great when we played them a couple of weeks ago, they kind of got hammered seemed like a nice bunch of people :/
Lawley you know i dont mind losing as im pretty use too it :p

But these guys were pretty shit at hiding the hax as you can see in the demo lol
<3 you lawley
adapted rolled us yes.
They are better than us therfore we lost simple as that.
Then we play Rad who obviously thinks the world of themself that is why all the fuzz.
We did not play as a med+ team maybe med, u guys are like low+ do u expect us to loose because we said on mIRC that we where like low+?
We played them Sunday, couldn't see anything weird.
gotta be hax
it switched to the guy behind the wall cos he was closer, thats what alot of hacks do
hyvä jätkät!

Pretty hilarious if CB-bot is given to these guys
1 week old the demo is
My comment was sarcastic, everyone has known this clan is cheating for months.
Kids from finland, why isnt i suprised ?? :S
Älskar du mig?
Jag har alltid älskat dig. Du och jag Gillis, du och jag (inte du aNkiie, tänk inte ens tanken)
hahah,ban plz
i need another link to get this demo, cant get it off rapidshare
Shame on you Ifa :(
If u would be so kind to uppload more avi (more of the same shot)
You can see right before the end that ifa also shoots 1 shot between the "2" guys and then goes over to number 1 wich is not behind the wall.
He simply missed the first 1 and lost aim and hit the wall.
You can probally find 100's of episodes like this @ urself and others.

Rad. Just simply lost the match and won't face it that they lost.
upload ifa demo here then if you have nothing too lose

like i keep saying "i dont mind losing, aslong as its not too cheaters"

your as bad as him for sticking up for him
as bad as him for sticking up for a clanmate?

the 1 record dosen't prove anything, it's in 0.1 timescale, fov should b 90 to see where he aims as the Garand line and crosshair is not the same, and btw there is no crosshair there so u cant really see where he is aiming.

Imo this dont prove anything, therfore i stick up for myteamates until proven guilty
send his demo please :)
u sir are an idiot!
more retards needed to defend their cheating mates
lol check out his excuse for demo

Ifa wrote:
Razor Copperhead <3 Sometimes, when I start shooting, I lift the mouse a little, and the pointer makes a suddent jump to left. It just pure luck (or unluck in this case :D) that there were someone behind the wall... The demo shows that I am shooting (or trying :P) at the other guy... If you want, lunachick, I can dig up other demos where my mouse moves suddently to the left when I start shooting.
lulz lulz lulz :::D
http://www.speedyshare.com/536579857.html < -- Eirik demo - forward to 9mins left and watch from there, decide for yourselves.

Just making another decent quality one now, installing Premiere as we speak :>

Waiting on IFA's uploaded demos (all maps please). if you have nothing to hide then get on with it!
No need for you to upload it so i can downlad it again, but thx xD.

I must say i look good in replays.

As much as I hate to say it, there were a few suspicious moments there. I watched the demo with r_shownormals 1, and a couple of mins in, Ifa snapped perfectly to one guys head through a wall and gave him a headshot (despite the fact it missed, cause of the wall), and it was the target nearest to Ifa. It could be lotto but it'd be very unlikely. O.o
im looking for moviemaker /q me
1 guy hacking = whole clan hacking!!8818118811811onetwosarcasm!88181
if this guy has wallhack and informs whole team?
solid proof, kyllä sä luultavasti pelaisit ku ei sulla oo muutakaan tekemistä.
vitun pellet
m00f stop fkin posting shit on the cheaters topic about cheaters cuz ur a cheater urself u hate ppl who got busted for cheating? well go hang urself aswell then
That avi doesn't really tell the hole truth... And here's the cb's response to this "cheat" accusation:
"I review braundorf demos and couldn't see anything wrong. Seems you are providing only times when the riffle guy did some nice shots, nothing else.
Case closed"

by doneX, March 19th 2007

I made two shot to the wall (the second one doens't show in the avi, it ends right before), and the first one "hits" the body of the enemy, while the second misses. And cose of this one shot, I'm labled as cheater... Rad should really learn how to take a loss... :)
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