SaYoS avi for 5on5


Im searching a 5on5 Team. (Avi for a new Team-projekt)

- avi 5-6 times per week
- Prefer playing Medic/Engi
- clean
- arround med-

- med-/low+ or something
- active
- motivated
- No Kiddys please...!
- English or German speaking
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SaYoS avi 5on5 Team
SaYoS avi for 5on5
SaYoS avi for 5on5
SaYoS avi
SaYoS avi

I don't know you but smth is strange there, huh? ;D
Is your spidey sense telling you it's one of your cheater brethren?
My spidey sense is telling me that you're spending way too much time on crossfire, why don't you go out and check if something is wrong there? A lil bit of fresh air would fit you well, apart from that you would get at least a lil bit of sunshine onto your pale face, sir.

At the moment everything looks like you gonna end up beeing 80 years old, trying to keep the last 5 active polaks from writing smth that you don't like into crossfire and getting a funeral without any guests.

And beside that it's strange that someone writes available-topics more often than FinlandvAtu.

+ I prefer haters over fanboys:
QuoteSaYoS added you as a buddy!
Sent by Crossfire on Monday 1st August 2011, 21:00
SaYoS has added you to his buddylist !
I may be old and you're probably right I'll die alone, but thank fuck I've never felt any need to compensate my glaring inferiority complex by cheating.
Internet is a serious business, huh?
why u fucking flame him when hes new on crossfire?
Maybe hes new in etpro?
Better be happy that hes new we need more of them so et will be more activ
so STFU!!!

GL finding a team
es is nicht böse gemeint und vorallem NICHT darauf bezogen wann er sich registriert hat, sondern den zeitraum indem die topics gepostet wurden, ich frag mich immer wieder warums manche nicht auf 1-2 cless posts belassen können, bzw einfach einmal teams anschreiben anstatt immer nur selber ein topic zu öffnen
Es ist heut zu tage einfach schwer nen low/med team zufinden und lass ihn doch soviele posts aufmachen wie ihn recht ist ist doch seine sache
gefällt mir
why u fucking flame him when hes new on crossfire?
Maybe hes new in etpro?
Better be happy that hes new we need more of them so et will be more activ
so STFU!!!

GL finding a team
Where's the so-called flame I did?
thx FlopJehz and Wait
gl SaYos he is young but he got talent!
gL, nice to see new people :)
I have a team Xlibres
Nice, good luck :)
gl Sayos :)
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