harmony avi for brink

well i bought brink (even if it aint very successful) and i would like to play some brink-wars.. not that active, maby 2 times a week or smth... need to play also ET + do some RL :DDD

About me:

- from Italy

- speak Germany,Italy,United Kingdom

- i own everyone on brink, even if i just started today.. np4me

About u:

- have the game
- be nice

Shoutout to #5s & balu
gl - But to be honest brink sucks dick :/ got it myself !
this SMART movement or smth sucks :DD but it is ok
Seems like there is something missing in this game - I don't know what but it makes no fun at all :/
But if you like it Have fun with it :) Good luck getting a team !
ET is missing in the game :X

I wonder whether ET-XReal will ever gain some momentum
Tbh I re installed it to test out the DLC I aint played the game really since after first few weeks but its been much improved, the fps lags have decreased to. I used to be running 15-40 fps or smth now I get stable 60 np.

Seems like its improved anyways.

Good morning,

Usually I would say "Not sure if serious or just trollin" with a random futurama pic but as I said in a recent comment regarding a recent column, I will now try to be nice.
That's why I wish you a big good luck and hope that you'll find a team really soon.

Kind regards,
normally i would answer ur random pic with some other random pic which owns urs but cos u wished me good lack i can just say thanks to you :)
Nice 1 buying a dead game
Im just saying that its nice of him to buy a dead game to try to revive it! Thats nice rigt? :D
With this point of view... it's nice idd :D
Hehe, b3ckm8 <3
brink is dead
how can a game be dead after 2 months..
by doing the same mistakes like in et:qw and wolfenstein 2009 again + the fact that the fps is shit and the graphic still isn't impressive imo
We I played it seriously during 2 month and stop due to holidays. We played a match last week and guess what, our server was offline for 3 days. So we ask other team if they can lend a server. Nobody got any server exept 2/3 teams maximum.
The game was good (and is better now) but there are no more players :(
gl m8 <3
huhuhu : D
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