Back to euro competition

Now that i am no longer limited to playing ET on a laptop with 15FPS and got some spare time at my disposal again. I was thinking about to get back playing ET competitions on European soil (low ping is kinda nice change :)).

Summary about myself that recruiters might want or need to know:
- Playing ET since 2003
- Playing ET competition since 2005
- Was PRO at trick jumping before i joined competitions (after that i stopped caring about TJ)
- Play ET most of the time in the evening and (very) late night hours
- Can deal with high ping
- Decent/Good shot
- Good battle sense
- I don't get emo on Ventrilo/Teamspeak during scrims or matches if things go bad
- Speaks fluent Dutch and (American-)English
- I sound like a robot on Ventrilo (no joke)
- Dislike people to harass me to scrim if i already said i can't
- Friendly, helpful and tech savvy

What i want to do:
- Play in Benelux Cup
- Play in CB OC
- Play in WL

See my profile for additional (contact) info <3
Goodluck Ken dude

awesome player and guy, take him while he's still avi
Take me gently dn.nb
What class do you play?
See my profile :D

edit: heuheu its venom from et-center
- Can deal with high ping

he is nice so...
good luck brah.

funny guy, quite the decent ET Player
whoooo! someone pick this guy up, must have him on comms when he's stoned :o)
bumppppppp for an asian sensation
mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good guy/player!

he is a robot on ventriloz, no joke
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