deathadder problem

Hello !

I explain my problem:

I just bought a new computer (i5 2500k, GTX560Ti, P67A-GD55, 4GB of RAM and a 64GB SSD)

So necessarily I instaledl ET ... Everything works fine,game is smooth, except that when I move and I turn my mouse at the same time, the mouse is lagging. To be more precise it is "little jumps" rather than having a smooth movement! It's hard when I want to target anyone specifically, it gets carried away and I have the rights to leaps of 5 cm on the screen so I end up on the feet or the guy in the sky!

My USB mouse is plugged in and I tested:

- Plug in the PS / 2 -> not work
- To change the DPI, the sensi -> not work
- To change the USB port -> not work
- To change CFG or adjustments etc. -> Not work

I have no more ideas...

Thank you for your help.

ps: i bought my mouse 2 months ago.
buy new mouse
Quotenot work

try to install the last drivers and the last firmware version...
c'est fait ! mais rien :(
Met ton i5 2500K en mode Turbo pour qu'il atteigne les 4Ghz et ça devrait aller.

ET utilisera toujours que un seul coeur.
avec ETUL ET bascule sur les 4 coeurs ^^
Oui mais ET n'est pas optimiser pour les 4 coeurs...
Complètement inutile sur un PC de ce niveau pour peu que le pc haut de gamme ne contienne pas de virus!
Buy Logitech G400
5 GB of ram. What the fuck?
more is more ;)
dunno if youre trolling or just stupid?
what is on his sentence trolling or stupid?§
its tautology
sorry it's 4 GB :P
sounds like a driver problem to me
If you would have bought a logitech mouse it wouldn't happen.
I never had problems with razer mices.
I'm seeing that.
i didn't read everything becauze read give me headache like the "roi" (listen to this : ) but maybe you need to try accelfix.

if you're on win7 : i'd recon : windows markC accelfix

if it doesn't work then read this : microsoft explain how to setup mice stuff

and set up those stuff to : raziel thedamned

hf rolling again :D
Doesn't work, and the problem appear when i'm pushing one or 2 keys of the keybord and moving the mice at the same time ... otherwise the movement is smooth :(
change r_finish and check r_swapinterval
it's a setting in windows you have to change, that triggers something when you press multiple buttons at the same time.
Complètement inutile sur une souris Razer pour peu que le Drift Control soit désactivé sur son Firmware.
Are you sure you meet the ET recommended system requirements?
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