Sankarimme myönsi ensin koodanneensa "montahan vuotta siitä nyt oli, 2.55 -aikoina". Löysin 2008-bustin jonka hän kertoi olleen viimeinen kerta kun hän koodasi. Löysin 2009 joulu -bustin matsista jossa tiimikaverit huijas niin ikään...
Tästä voi tehdä omat johtopäätöksensä.
Niinhän se tais sanoa. Tosin siinä on sekin mahdollisuus, että se olisi Pehnon busti, sillä noissa screeneissähän ei näy Pitskun nimeä, vaikka se nimi noissa GUIDeissa onkin. En sitten tiiä, parempi kysyä siltä itteltään.
toi on se ku pehno ja mut bustattii 2009 XDD:D:D::D hahaa kuka vittu jaksaa tehä tommoset kaavat ja kaikki ei oikeesti hanki elämä vanhaomena ja mee pelaa sitä runee takasi niinku joskus sanoit tekeväs :)
Lisäks mitä teet tommosella pelaajalla enään.. Voisin veikata et cb adminit kysyy pityltä tästä lähtien aina demot tärkeiden offien jälkeen.. Jos se ei suostu niitä laittaa päälle, ni ei se pahmmin voi enään pelata
se ties kokoajan tarkkaalleen vihun sijainnit, en nähny kertaakaan että sitä ois jekutettu. se helpottaa aimaamista aika helvetin paljon. helpompi ottaa positioo vihuun nähden ja vetää vähän alle 50acc bodyshot aimil (sil oli joku 1hs per kill)
nojoo toi on totta, et sille ei tullu hirveesti yllätyksiä. Mut eihän sil rekyyliä ollu yhtään, kun supplyn sen peliä kattelin.
Se pelas zertan ja mazan tms kans meitä vs joku viikko sit ja pisteli tasasta 48accua ja ei juossu yhteenkää nadee joka on tupla fullhold supplys aika taitoo :B
tuli sama mieleen kun kattelin ton supplyn + low brain + ei osaa vittu liikkua, tuntuu että kun se alkaa ampuu nii liikkuu hyvin, sitte ku ei ammu niin ei vaan osaa liikkua + ei osu ees omiin piikillä =D
huomataa toki nyt ettet oo yks ET parhaist bustaajist :D mut siis miks et vaik kato maussin pelii shownormalsseil ni se on ihan samallaista :)) mut kyl ymmärrän teit nörtit ku ette voi uskoo et maailmast löytyy hyviikin pelaajia oikeasti
onko noin? valitettavasti oon aika moneen kertaan spotannu pelkästään pelaamalla jotain vastaan että onko se koodannu. se on jo musta aika taidokasta :)
voin lyödä vetoa että oon sua parempi bustaamaan koodeista, vaikka en oo pelannu läheskään yhtä innokkaana tätä pelii muna pystys.. mut siis en leiju tai egoa, voin vaa lyödä vetoo
just talking about him playing up and caring about the tunnel
( if i remember right, the 2 first time the allies doesnt have a nade on his hand so he rush him to kill him, 3rd time he doesnt try to rush for the guy on cave, he just fall back a bit, why that? and obvious on this right time the allies @ cave was throwing a nade to him, huhu lucky or not? nah he just seems to know too much and always have his crossfair on the right place. + hes leaning everytime like shit wallhacker :P )
thats only from the 2/3 first minutes on supply ( watched only 1st round on 1st map, got bored )
I just can't understand people who say he wallhacks.
For example, I remember this situation watching replay. He spawns axis 2nd spawn goes out from the east side door, there is a guy at the east barrels which he doesn't notice, wallhacker would. He does same mistakes in matches I have played with him, he doesn't hear/notice some guy I do and I highly doubt that he is acting in these situations.
I really don't believe it is possible to make a cheat which turns wh off when SLAC takes screenshot or just clears the screenshot from models which are behind walls.
Some guy said it is possible at least on EAC.
Would need chaplja to tell if it's possible or not.
mä todellakin käsitän nää asiat vaikka oon itekkin 16v.. mut siis enhä mä ny mitenkään voi todistaa teille että se ei ostele mitää koodei RAHALLA, mut sanon vaan ettei oo ostellu
You can't say he cheated yesterday since there are no proofs about it:/
This is like Masculine mans case in smaller scale. Ex-cheaters owning EC (this time only 3on3-offi) was weird. Random shooting 50acc 60headshots in 3on3 offi is weird, I admit it. But if there are no proofs of it you can't really do much about it.
vittu toi vakuutti kaikki sample, jos samplest toi koodaa niin sit kyl koodaa! =D taino harvahan sanoo ettei se koodaa mutsiis pitty on kyl imarreltu varmaa ku kaikki sanoo maajoukkueeski sitä koodiks :D
I have played for some time with Pittusky and as long as I remember (2010) he have shot constantly over 40acc with SLAC too, while SLAC screenies available.
you said hes not rly smart, ye but seems like he knows a lot ( watched only the 1st round of the supply game )
anyways now on this shit game a lot of luck, good connection for them ( i dont mean high speed internet but shit hitbox and they have no problem to hit ), players with lowsens :d
Voitko perustella väitteesi? Miten minä olen puhunut itseni pussiin? Tai sitten kakara voit oikeesti painua vittuun, sun puheissais ei oo mitään järkeä.
None of the mASCULINE_mans were busted for competitive gaming related cheats. You can confirm this yourself by viewing their C&A profiles. If this was not the case, I wouldn't have joined the clan.
In 5on5 hes just regular bit above medskilled player, no more dmg than others and still shooting with same 45-50acc, never noticed anything weird when played 5on5's with him.
edit: didnt read through that thread in total and didnt see he obivously cheated on ettv yesterday. Rewatched it now and its exactly like that game i played vs him a week ago.
3v3 he made 10k dmg with acc of 55% on thompson and mp40...
Watched replays of match supply with and b4 without shownormals and gotta say, doesnt seem like cheating to me, couple times normal tracking through walls but if u spec anyone good with shownormals u will see that couple times. + I have played with him long enough to know hes 16 and not that smart to hide his wh so well if he had one. Couple stupid fulls when he got backraped and stuff..
Ppl getting rolled by newschool and now they mad :D if cb ban will be given from some pb bans from 2008 and yet slac hasnt detected anything weird its obv that no evidence is found. Banned for too good aim epic :-D
The evidence I posted has nothing to do with how well anyone aims or who rolls who. The PB screenshots from December 2009 (which is not 2008) show the player using wallhack.
I have not said he has cheated with SLAC - I think I made it clear that he was caught by PunkBuster.
I think Pehno is little irritated about that situation where some are accusing his brother for cheating (some doesn't mean you). I bet he just didn't read this post carefully enough to notice you talk about 2009 PBshots.
It is pretty ridiculous if you get ban from 2 years old PBshot. People change, at least I believe so. Someone who cheated in past, even for a long time can stop cheating and start playing clean.
I will admit he cheats when there are some up to date proofs like SLAC ban.
but if u look above ppl say he hacked even if only thing he did was that he aimed better than expected. they even call him braindead so i think wh is out of the question.
Tästä voi tehdä omat johtopäätöksensä.
enuff said
ei sun vihanen tarvi olla vaikka skootterikortti maksaaki nykyää nii paljo, tais ekat amispäivät olla vitun rankkoja tommoselle mammanpojalle XDDD
"En record demoja, en tykkää niistä"
"En koskaan recordaa niitä"
"Vanhaomena sanoit ettei niitä tarvii"
"Ei nää vihut niitä kysy"
ps: kiitos vaan, mut sua ei kaivata meillä
Näin ymmärsin statin tulkkauksel
Ei paljon tarvi muuta kattoo.
wallhack imo. ppl can whine if they want
he will get busted sooner or later, i dont care.. but at least i wont play against him
Se pelas zertan ja mazan tms kans meitä vs joku viikko sit ja pisteli tasasta 48accua ja ei juossu yhteenkää nadee joka on tupla fullhold supplys aika taitoo :B
( if i remember right, the 2 first time the allies doesnt have a nade on his hand so he rush him to kill him, 3rd time he doesnt try to rush for the guy on cave, he just fall back a bit, why that? and obvious on this right time the allies @ cave was throwing a nade to him, huhu lucky or not? nah he just seems to know too much and always have his crossfair on the right place. + hes leaning everytime like shit wallhacker :P )
thats only from the 2/3 first minutes on supply ( watched only 1st round on 1st map, got bored )
For example, I remember this situation watching replay. He spawns axis 2nd spawn goes out from the east side door, there is a guy at the east barrels which he doesn't notice, wallhacker would. He does same mistakes in matches I have played with him, he doesn't hear/notice some guy I do and I highly doubt that he is acting in these situations.
Togleemallakin jäis kyl kiinni jossain välis.
Some guy said it is possible at least on EAC.
Would need chaplja to tell if it's possible or not.
On hankalaa googlettaa slac hackei
+ nuo screenshotit on Nexuksesta
I knew it
hf playing with cheats
well done vanhaomena :)
vanhaomena brought us evidence that he has cheated in the past and opened good thread about this issue.
This is like Masculine mans case in smaller scale. Ex-cheaters owning EC (this time only 3on3-offi) was weird. Random shooting 50acc 60headshots in 3on3 offi is weird, I admit it. But if there are no proofs of it you can't really do much about it.
every lowbob can have high acc with shit low sens
your argument is invalid
but a lowbob with high acc doesnt have nice dg and hs :p
And Pittusky may not be the smartest player out there but his aim serves him good enough to compete against good players.
you said hes not rly smart, ye but seems like he knows a lot ( watched only the 1st round of the supply game )
anyways now on this shit game a lot of luck, good connection for them ( i dont mean high speed internet but shit hitbox and they have no problem to hit ), players with lowsens :d
Even with low sens you have to aim. I know many lowsenssers who can't go even for 40 acc. Including me most of the times. I play 400dpi 1.7 sens.
vittu mana ton kuvan kans
eiks sun pitäs pelata kynärii
Pittysku on ClanBase
Pitsku on Gamestv
Used the auth "noppaa" on Quakenet
Uses this distribution point of Elisa Broadband
this match says enough
If you want me to look into it, be more specific - who should I bust, what makes you suspect him, do you have any evidence of your own?
once you cheat in competitive gaming, there is 76,89% chance that you will do it again.
None of the mASCULINE_mans were busted for competitive gaming related cheats. You can confirm this yourself by viewing their C&A profiles. If this was not the case, I wouldn't have joined the clan.
cheating in competitive gaming is so pathetic... using cheats to gain some e-fame lol :D
i had great time @ nexus public (64 players) with mortar cam :P some fun shit cheating @ mass publics... and sten rape at cybergames
the point of it was actually make ppl rage, i was young and stupid so forgive m ;(
sup SLAC?
edit: didnt read through that thread in total and didnt see he obivously cheated on ettv yesterday. Rewatched it now and its exactly like that game i played vs him a week ago.
3v3 he made 10k dmg with acc of 55% on thompson and mp40...
clean until that
Thats the thing, he isnt hiding it. its obvious as the nose on a jew.
and the success will be successfully
June 21 08 busted by pb, thats 3 years ago. so care? when hes slac banned hes busted.
However he does get like 60 hs and 60 acc on supply with slac I dont know any clean player who does that :D
I have not said he has cheated with SLAC - I think I made it clear that he was caught by PunkBuster.
It is pretty ridiculous if you get ban from 2 years old PBshot. People change, at least I believe so. Someone who cheated in past, even for a long time can stop cheating and start playing clean.
I will admit he cheats when there are some up to date proofs like SLAC ban.
I don't even understand why I am answering instead of Pehno. He should explain his comment by himself.
the cvar ban wasnt even valid anymore if i recall right
Anyway, good job from you Vanhaomena.
pannukakkusotilaat's attack on adlernest - spec naKu at 9:23 do r_shownormals 1 :)
hirvi takahuoneeseen
Vastakysymys: miten polakkien piekseminen liittyy noihin todisteisiin huijaamisesta, jotka postasin?
watched defence and that was enough.
wallhack imo. ppl can whine if they want
he will get busted sooner or later, i dont care.. but at least i wont play against him
"he will get busted sooner or later" ??