Strango avi

Hi there,

Since the players i usually play with are a bit inactive, i'm looking for a 'new' fun team.

About me:

- Rifle low+/med-
- Age: 19
- speak: Dutch or English
- vent/ts3
- clean since 2002!!!!!!!!


- skill don't care
- fun team, no 'look at my damage' nerds.
- Active

Contact: Pm me here / #sah-gaming

image: elmo_surprise-1756
What was there to play in 2002?
U got trolled hard bro :(
Not at all. Had a doubt he was going to answer me RTCW but wanted to be sure.
Gl man khoop da ge een leuk team vindt
succes man! Deserves a med/+ team! :)
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