Looking for 2 LoL players.

Me and two mates are looking for 2 more LoL (EU WEST) players to play premade 5v5 with. We are looking to practice different teamcomps and learn as a team so we can have some great games

We all play different roles although none of us is a dedicated jungler. Some requirements can be found below:

- We don't care about any elo-rating. As long as you've got a decent experience with ranked games.
- Be active. We want to play as many games as we can.
- !Be willing to learn and practice. We don't expect you to play perfect (neither do we) as long as your able to recognize mistakes.
- Be able to to give and receive constructive criticism.
- Be open to play different roles within the team to find what you're best at.

So, if you want to have some fun in League of Legends and if you are willing to practice with a team, contact me.

PM here or add my mate @ LoL (Futimojo)

image: img_2148-preview
Chocolatethunda msg me here :p
oh thats u in my flist :D
sorry im playing in a team already.
avi, Mikrotic.
nice chick ;D gl
line up?
SK Wickd
SK WetDream
i aprove
e:GC winnerS?
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