How can we trust TZAC?

I'm sure many people have thought about this and Id love to hear feed back from anyone who wants to share it.

If the rumors are true, SLAC/TZAC from my knowledge is made by a guy who is a known to make cheats, is this true?

Either way, whats stopping this guy whose program comes up as a virus, from putting an update out there that logs your key strokes?
QuoteIf the rumors are true, SLAC/TZAC from my knowledge is made by a guy who is a known to make cheats, is this true?

Rumors :PPPP
TZAC is developed a good coder known as Chaplja.
He had developed cheats for QL,ET..etc.
It means that he knows how cheat works and this is +1 for making a anticheat.
Latly I saw a thread about how to bypass SLAC in forum by someone who said he plays on CB,but hidded his name.I cant remeber what was written there,but I think it was about using DLL injections,since TZAC uses for loading and updating slmod..etc
I can say these things too, but wheres the proof?
People always talk like that, but no one could proof it yet.
SLAC/TZAC is way better than anything what Punkbuster could ever do
and as long as no one can proof its possible to bypass SLAC/TZAC, i trust the Program, but not the Programmer xD
Lets take an proof.
Two/one months ago someone posted a journal in CF with demo,where was an aimbot in BiO,the slac number was called adawolfa.Bypassed?:)
I have seen the Journal, but like i heard was the account on the last Banlist.
Sure you can go download nexus and rampage on bio. Just enjoy your ban after thinking you got trough with it.
Months passed and idiots still dont get how tzac/slac is working.
You passed the TZAC?^^
agree lol thats why the banlist grows and grows
I understand your concerns, but It's quite hard to prove something that has not happened yet.
Fucking idiot man -_- TZAC doesnt immediatly kicks someone while hacking, like PB did. TZAC uses silent detection, so yeh you can cheat while having TZAC turned on, but TZAC will ban your ass eventually. So go ahead and try it, have fun with the couple of wars being skilled (:
stupid kids thies days / geeks / nerds

TZAC was made by a croatian hacker
why hacker, well.. he does all thoes pc stuff that hackers make
thats why its working so good, since he is one hell of a hacker.

about the virus, it obviusly scans ur pc and sends data from it, sounds liek a virus...

why would u trust TZAC? its a damn program u use to play on a comp. level
why would anyone try to socialize with software of even trust tzac?

Knock knock,whos there

rumors are true and in the end its up to you what you want to do.
most people seem to use slac whether they trust him or not.
there isn't really a option of NOT using it as most (all?) cups force usage
And they hold a gun to your head and say "play this cup!" ?
Why play a game if you wont play any tournaments? Playing irc wars and pubbing constantly isnt really what a competative etpro player wants right? :)
true, and if you don't trust the currently used anticheat for those competition, then it's still your own choice to install it or not.
Pretty sick of all the people who keep screaming TZAC IS A VIRUS and shit. Don't use it if u dont trust it, period.
LoL this kid is asking a normal question, nice raging here :)
it is a keylogger idd! the logs look like this:

Why would you remove the silencer?
weeeeeeeeeeeeed ? :D
damn, you found the secret message :D
Cleaned up a few comments, the question is valid just depends on what side of the fence you sit on.
Too bad that even people like you see the unexisting link between cheat and malware distribution.
I think you're doing great work and support it - I'm just saying that the other side of the argument is logical.

The fact is people question me SO much regarding malware because I used to make cheats when it's TOTALLY irrelevant. I don't see the community asking why they should trust someone distributing unofficial ET installers on this site. How is exactly my history related to malware? What stops me? Technically - nothing. But my brain is working well enough to stop me from doing things I'd eventually end up in jail for.

I've never bothered myself to hack something else other than a game file itself, while you supported one of your admins hacking into cheat sites. Why should anyone trust you, seeing that is the approach you're taking against people/communities you dislike?

So I've never actually hacked anyone directly, whilst you did or supported the people that did it. Why would anyone trust you, your site and whatever gets distributed on here?
It is logical in the sense that what you did (creating cheats) is an unethical act. The logic is that if you've done one unethical act, what is keeping you from doing another. It's just a trust issue, nothing more nothing less.
Alright, I do see your point. But I find it ridiculous that people think I'd distribute malware under my name. You have to be crazy to do something like that. If I were in position of a totally anonymous file uploader, I'd understand people's concern, but I'm being asked about this for over a year now.
I understand completely that people doubting your intentions is driving you insane. I was merely pointing out where their concerns originate from.

Some initiative from your side may ease the process of taking those concerns away. Perhaps a statement on your website about AV software thinking it's a virus/malware and instructions on what to do (send file to av software company to help speed the process of av software knowing about TZAC and stop from resulting in false-positives) could take away certain initial doubts.
afaik he did get it passed, but the most common methods of detection wont stop false positives due to the nature of the program.
Your arguments are correct, there is logic to each of those points you make. Thats kind of what I'm saying, though the majority will fall on what I guess you could call the common sense side of the argument some wont.
stop mixing logic and "common sense", which in 90/100 cases is folly and illogic :(
Ok, so you still haven't answered my question.

First. Can anyone trust someone who cheats? (I would consider someone who makes cheats a cheater)

Secondly, He has full control over the program, why trust the program but not the programmer? doesnt make sense, there are essentially one in the same.

I never said TZAC is a virus. I never implied anything but questions. should we all just bend over and accept it without question?

Who is holding chaplja accountable?

The fact that chaplja constantly says "broken antivirus" kinda makes me giggle. Ive been around, and I've discussed this with many people. I talked recently about it with others and decided to post. Its kinda funny how offensive half of you get when I merely asked a question.

I'm glad theres something out there to stop cheaters (as it may seem) but that doesn't mean i will just blindly accept it either.

500g of flour
2 eggs
200 ml of milk
50g of oil

Mix 500g of flour with 2 eggs. Pour in milk and blend for 10 minutes. Pour the pastry slowly over the hot oil on the frying pan. When ready smear the pancakes with jam. Enjoy!
Let me send a e-pancake for you.
i dont like pancakes much :(
I ill send you a pizza then?:(
It's not like Chaplja is a crooked person because he has made cheats.
Until now i dont trust it 100% either, I dont think he'll use the AC to get our money or anything like that. But his past made it a bit doubtfull and still AV scanners say it's a virus. If it was white listed by all major AV companies I would trust it a lot more.
It's the injection process that is picked up as a virus methinks, although I don't actually know how TZAC works, so I might be talking out of my ass.
true it's prolly the injection, but it's still posible to get it white listed it just takes some time to send some properly written emails to the right people and maybe give them the source code.

But it seems chap seems too lazy to even try to get it white listed, so for me it's still a virus which CB (and other admins) forces us to use.

I never got a msg from my AV when using PB, so it is posible.
Your logic is flawed. I should send the source code to someone? Ha-ha.

You and a bunch of other clueless people need to start understanding that antivirus software is not really the best software out there. It has its flaws.

You never thought about complaining to the antivirus company for giving you false warnings? If you doubt a file is clean, you can ALWAYS submit a file for review to your antivirus company and they'll tell you if it's clean or not, and remove the detection if it's not dangerous. But of course, it's easier to cry like a little kid on Crossfire than do things the proper way. Classic.
QuoteBut of course, it's easier to cry like a little kid on Crossfire than do things the proper way. Classic.

Thats the same as you are doing, as if the AV companies run away with your project. They legally can't.
So u suggest every single SLAC/TZAC user should submit the file to the AV companies?

After your response I'm going to send it to the trash can when i get home, I dont play CB anyways and I'll wait for a virus free version of your anti cheat malware.
Trash your antivirus also, its shit.
that way you go from being a low- to a high+ cheater - omg ur already a cheater, sorry
must be troll from a
I understand him.. pb gave me less problems as SLAC/TZAC does and PB doesnt lag, polaks and shit computers lag.
many ppl complained about lag, where they dont have em anymore.

I really dont care about the lag, the problem is solvable, but the impact slac had on the cheaters is huge.
never played vs a obv guy since
keylogger on ET players

asdwsaswdasdwdasawdasdaw hf
Haha, Gary Glitter :D Hero ^^
The most worrying thing is that Months after its release, antivirus still doesn't ack this software. And every updates made aren't followed with a chagelog.txt, so we're downloading stuff, but don't rly know what are major changes.
I tried to talk to many companies, it didn't really work. I knew it won't work on the long run, but I had to give it a try.

You need to understand that it's not my software that blocks your antivirus from working - it's the other way around. If you want to complain to someone, complain to them. They _WILL_ tell you the file is clean. When they say that, you'll realize your arguments are weak.

The problem is people like you see antivirus software as some authority even when you KNOW they're giving false positives.
Did you talk with anyone at eset? I might be able to put you in contact.
My ESET Smart Security 5 doesnt dectect anything in TZAC.
I don't give a shit about what my antivirus is telling me, as I build softwares on my own I sometimes meet this issue. But what about changelogs and stuff, like a clear explanation of what is this software doing, what's changing etc.

My arguing is fine and defintly not weak. And as toss said, ESET is easy to contact to get AV acknowledge.
Flawed antivirus applications are not my concern. It's not like they're some authority compared to me. We're on the same level, we're both software developers. The choices you have are:

1) Not use TZAC
2) Not use the broken AV you're using
3) Configure your broken AV to ignore TZAC files
4) Send the files to your broken AV's staff for a review and play when they remove the detection

Generally, smart people will do what's written under choice #4, whilst majority of people in here will cry on this site like kids because they don't know any better.
5) stop playing ET
6) stop whining about TZAC
7) Deal with it
love that point :D
I think choice #3 is what the majority will do :)
No, the majority goes for option #1337. Whine about it on CF.
Yeh, he made cheats before. So what? Just cuz he made a hack for some games doesnt immediatly means he'll hack into our pc's aswell right. I guess whats stopping him from putting an update out there that logs our key strokes is that he aint a retard.
Ungrateful people.
I bet that creating SLAC/TZAC took a lot of chaplja's work and time, and it's being the most effective AC so far in any PC game. I for instances, am grateful that chaplja did it, and still works on it instead of selling it to some shit company that will require $$ for having it and will stop supporting it.
Also, most of the ''cheaters'' you guys meet are just fakeskillers looking for an easy win.

Thanks for the work chaplja <3
TZAC is over a year old.. time to wake up
personally think then usparker is coming from the past....
Welcome to 12 months ago.
no offense but where the fuck have you been during the last year?
this has been discussed numerous of times.

"If the rumors are true, SLAC/TZAC from my knowledge is made by a guy who is a known to make cheats, is this true?"
yes, they are true.
whine when cheaters bypass shit laggy pb, whine when real anticheat comes out.

Crossfire 3.0 - A Whining Community
hows that ban on TWL ? :D
bad dodge attempt
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