SMeKHT on the looks^2

WARNING, i cannot into layout so this post will look like shit if you continue to read it.

Im tired of mixing and shit and im feeling for some true pracchardgopro spirit.
Based on the equation -> low when playing vs high, med/- when playing vs med and
high when playing vs low i consider myself med/-

+19y old hardworking manly swedish woodsman livin in a cave
+My mom says im a special boy with special talents
+Can into decent comms.
+avi 19-23 CET, sunday-thursday
+smg class. cannot into fops and kind of bad as engie but ill give it a shot if you need me to, I belive you mom !

+NO 2 week projects.
+Europe / Sweden
+some kind of activeness / stability (clear roll what to do, not 6 guys free lancing)
+brainisch > aimsh. see what i did there?

i cannot insert chick the epic way so link to the swedish pride there is

olpen=low, glow=slow and lefrancis approves this forum post?

/q or pm here.
gl m8 <3
looks like i need it :D thanks lad <3
gl mannen :)
seems to be a nice guy :) GL
Gl snygging!
gl man :)
I giggled :>

cannot into revive ;)
Gl nice guy
Come back to us :) everything will be changed and ill be speaking with street :)
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