grzesiek avi

Poland tMoe made me play active again during summer and I'm backup only, so I'm searching good team
proved myself that I can play vs high level in cups and officials last 3 months, my aim is mostly to play OC premier but EC would be always great (hihihihihih)

just don't pracc and play everyday (2-3 evenings max for play) + I won't reply to bad offers

contact there or #:h

omg pwner, gl in EC burneja
gl mate :)
skilled and mature player
take him ;)
powodzenia Gelu
gl grzesiek,
ridjis mother drunk
OC prem max
Good luck grzesiek, although i think you belong to tMoe other than any other clan tbh xD
you can play with us in oc 3v3/2v2 if you want
ec worthy, gl : )
fucking +1 :)
dobra kerma
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