Able to Sponsor!

Since Nothing But Skillz has a dedicated server and want to be active in the community, we are able to sponsor a team.

What we are looking for:

- Stable Team
- Active (OC/Ladders)
- Skilled
- Cool guys

What we can offer:

- Voiceserver
- Gameserver

We are currently sponsering vut da fuk?.Nbs:

image: en potty
image: nl ironic
image: fi sankari
image: nl RMY
image: eu TBA
image: eu TBA

image: ee Manzz

And are able to sponser one team more.

So if you are looking for a sponsor, contact me here or add me on xfire: bloodelf99
dont sponsor teams playing with humM3L
sankari what? :DDDDDDDD
always was a pretty decent player..
yep, was ":D"
was means he was good in the past and is still good
haha stunter,

sponsor scooby :P
Je noemt me stunter en vraagt dan om sponsor!! :@

Ik kijk wel wie wil, als jullie echt willen zal ik het onthouden ;)
pm Dev`Otyg @ #devastation
rmy has own gaming and needs sponsoring?
Ye, he is sponsering a team, but needs a sponsor for his own xD
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