jalo needs moviemaker

a moviemaker cos Artstar got some real life probs (girls, drinking etc) and doesnt have PC to make a movie...

so i need motivated guy who is able to make high quality movie with hitsounds and some sync. all demos are cut.

Only pm me when you made a movie already before.

#inteRaction.et /q jalo or jaloOFF or send me a pm here
Jalo thinks he is interesting, but he isn't.
heard artstar was also making razz movie, as well as 2005 movie!!
Movie of leaning and raping?
lol Artstar and real life
pm me :) (serious)
I still need some demos for community movie, so if you want, send some demos!

OH and ofc, good luck! Someone pick this guy, he is awesome!
nice edit:P:D
i forgot to say it in first place :| watching a serie and checking cf at same time.. hardcore!
how many demo's vs target? :D
got many demos against you, but only 1 or 2 is worth to be use for movie ;))
also heard squad.ee might be searching for moviemaker :P
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