ET pack console problem

I ve just installed et pack but my console is always almost empty i got there only :
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III
Bypassing CD checks
----- Client Initialization -----

and nothing more, even when i am writing in console
any suggestions ?
scroll down to the end, its kind of bugged sometimes I think.. just hold Alt + End..
Why do you care if your console is almost always empty?
.detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

go work and buy a pc instead.
Good suggestion. :D
Country: Poland

Explains all.
i was playing on pentium 4
was horrible
but 3?! noway dude :(
:D hope you are trolling
I have i5,it says I have Intel Celeron series.
very weird.. maybe you have a intel celeron :>
the game loads up and the ingame console is "nearly" empty? or does the game not start?
it starts nad its notebook.. Game is working fine but i dont have any info in console and its not bugged like alt+ end :P
seta cl_noprint "1" ..
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