alexL .avi busteD fo Sho - MegAUplOAd - RApID

ButhJIE ANd KerAn And Shy Get LowSensEd Owned

EDiT ItS My ingAme Cfg + A aiMbOt in ThE ViDeO
busted fosho
enemy sux tbh =]
(23:24:39) (REZON) i dont want to play ws hackers
(23:24:41) (REZON) :<
(23:24:45) (alexL) HAHHAAHAH
(23:24:45) (REZON) what is so funny?
(23:24:55) (alexL) that u say we cheat
(23:25:08) (REZON) BIND!!!!!!!!!!
(23:25:17) (REZON) bind f5 (23:24:55) (alexL) that u say we cheat
(23:25:51) (alexL) ;o
only 4 håess!
plz get some skill alexl
nothing special
: ) nubbbbbbooooooooooooooooo :;D come va zingaro?
idd with perfo!
idd with both of 2 !
soooo... what's your sens anyways?
nah not that low 25 cm for 180 degrees
didnt notice anything special...
lol i have like 1337 billion kills like this ( 2iZi ) :<
why do you need to get attention with a frg like this...
...i rly believe you have 1337 billion better scenes!!!1

+ agree with perf0
edit nr.15: qualy suX
we barely give 2 shits :(
ahahahah, ahahahaha, ahahahaha

image: fitts
hoi mr overrated :)
im so excite now!!1 (never had soo many inbox messages NEVER EVER)
so many people replied to my comment!!1
wohooo :)
cg_bodyshotsonly 1
'ButhJIE ANd KerAn And Shy Get LowSensEd Owned'

Yeah, that's all that happened. They came through a bottleneck where most lowsensers orgasm.
i like the way u put that :)
Where's the "Who give's a fuck truck?"
i know why this frag is nothing special at all. it has something to do with a certain team of 5 'skiiiiilled' Etplayers
Wacht alstublieft 45 seconden..
just attentionwhore , pls.
alexLowSKILL :(
i saw better scenes from you alex :)
busting ur self , quite new ;)
enklaste skjutpositionen som öht finns i et och sista killen får slut på skott samtidigt som han hoppar för att försöka ta flaggan, du tycker det inte var att sträcka sig lite väl långt när du skrev alexlaimbot? :)
jo sant, jag ville inte lägga upp dne för det är inget speciellt alls, men en kille sa jag måste för det var så snyggt ;o
just a bug, hax z0mg cheaterrrr!!!!!11 ban plx :>
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